Julia is the principal occupational therapist at Territory Therapy Solutions. She established Territory Therapy Solutions in 2012 to maintain a flexible work and family balance, and to address gaps in the comprehensive management of clients with complex functional needs in the private sector.

Our experienced team of health professionals
Lauren Dale
Lauren graduated from Curtin University in 2018 with a Bachelor of Occupational Therapy. As part of her degree, she gained experience working in acute neurological settings, sparking an interest in this field.
Natalie Frkovic
Natalie holds a Master of Occupational Therapy. She graduated from University of Sydney in 2008. She has over 10 years experience working in various settings in public health, private health and community settings with a background and interest in neurological conditions, mental health and community settings.
Ashley Lawrence
Originally from Newcastle, NSW, Ashley now calls Darwin home. Ashley studied a Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (honours) at the University of Newcastle, graduating in 2023. Her new grad year has seen her living and working in remote NSW, before relocating to Darwin to explore healthcare in the Top End!
Jacqui Culgan
Jacqui was born and raised in Darwin. She has completed a Bachelor of Health Science and a Master of Occupational Therapy at Charles Darwin University.
Chloe Hodgkinson
Chloe holds a Bachelor of Occupational Therapy from the Australian Catholic University in North Sydney and graduated in 2020. Since then, she has worked in hospital settings across Sydney and Darwin. Chloe’s experience has been in acute and rehabilitation settings, with individuals who have a wide range of needs, including neurological conditions, brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, amputees, cognitive impairments, and visual impairments.
Position Available
TTS is currently looking for a Occupational Therapist to join our team. Please visit the employment page of our website to find out more information about the role.
Alternatively please email employment@territorytherapysolutions.com.au for more information.
Shayde Love-Linay
Shayde holds a Bachelor of Physiotherapy with Honours, graduating from Monash University in 2017. Prior to joining the TTS team, Shayde gained a variety of clinical experience in the public health system working across both acute and subacute settings, including cardiorespiratory, orthopaedics and neurological conditions.
Jessie McDonald
Jessie graduated from Charles Sturt University in Albury in 2023 with a Bachelor in Physiotherapy. During her degree, Jessie undertook study and practice in a variety of clinical settings.
Sarah Berhane
Sarah was born and raised here in Darwin and is enthusiastic to be back in town helping the community since graduating from The University of Newcastle with a Bachelor of Physiotherapy Honours in 2023.
Sarah O'Connor
Sarah graduated from Australian Catholic University in 2017 with a Bachelor of Speech Pathology. Since graduating Sarah has worked in the private setting, aged care, disability, sub-acute and community settings.
Hannah Wadsworth
Hannah graduated from the University of Queensland with a Bachelor of Speech Pathology Honours in 2017.
Shirley Goncalves
Shirley holds a Bachelor of Occupational Therapy from FUMEC University in Brazil and graduated in 2011. Since then, she worked as a School Inclusion Coordinator in a rehabilitation institute in Brazil, providing support to families and teachers in inclusive education for children with physical disabilities and special educational needs through an individualised approach. She also provided training for teachers’ development to deal with and create strategies to foment children’s participation in the school environment..
Juliannah Linga
Juliannah is currently a university student doing Bachelor of Health Science/Master of Physiotherapy at Charles Darwin University.
Aaron Muttukumaru
Aaron brings more than ten years of business, finance, and management experience to Territory Therapy Solutions after having a successful career in the banking and the vocational training sector. In his role as Business Manager, Aaron aspires to have therapy services regularly reach all parts of the NT,
Alicia Brown
Alicia joined the Territory Therapy Solutions team in 2019. With over 20 years’ experience in reception and customer service, she is a great first point of contact to the service.
Nikky Mansfield
Nikky joined the Territory Therapy Solutions team as Practice Manager in 2018. She came to us with over 20 years of experience working in the health industry in both public and private sectors in the NT.
Monica Heneghan
Monica joined Territory Therapy Solutions in 2021. With 10 plus years of experience in administration, customer service and client coordination within various aspects of the health and disability sector.